and how it can help you
Backfree is a treatment program based on specific exercises designed to treat the effects of your body’s response to your daily activities, past or present injuries and traumas.
After years of intense training, self-enquiry and working closely with clients who have experienced debilitating fascial, muscular or skeletal injury Darren discovered a pattern of how the body reacts to trauma and how certain trigger points can affect connected areas within the body, hence cause referred pain.
The correction of the “counterbalance” concept is the basis of the Backfree system.
It seems that humans are the only mammal without a tail whose spine is supported and balanced directly over the legs. Therefore, the legs create the foundation for the spine.
Darren discovered that the majority of back discomfort is the result of an imbalance within this foundation due to some form of injury that can even stem from early childhood.
Weaknesses or injuries caused by repetitive strain or a physical trauma like a broken collar bone can cause the spine and legs to compensate for, and support the vulnerable area via counterbalance. The trauma affected area goes into shock and even after healing interferes its responsiveness and the balance of the body; referred “unexplained” pain in e.g. the back, shoulders, neck, elbows, hands, knees and ankles or sciatic pain are often a result. Some people also experience nausea, headache and migraine as a result of the imbalance.
Give yourself the chance to rely on your physical ability.
The Backfree program addresses the body and the nervous system from a totally different yet highly effective approach. By using specific techniques of alignment and trigger points within the body it can safely release structural misalignment and muscular imbalances to connect and recalibrate the nervous system and to build a strong, solid foundation for the spine.
Think that physical exercises aren’t for you?
Spent enough money on ongoing treatment sessions?
The series of exercises are designed in a way that makes them universally applicable for a broad range of people; certain aspects within the exercises can be individually amended and adjusted. This is a major advantage of Backfree as it does not alienate anyone from being able to benefit from it and enables clients to practice the program independently once they have learned the correct actions to achieve long lasting results.
Backfree represents a new unique therapeutic approach of guided exercises that can balance the body, relieve back and sciatic pain and enable clients to attain an optimum neurological response for more precise and controlled movements that assist in rehabilitation, injury prevention and enhanced athletic performance.
A therapeutic approach designed to balance the body.

- Learn how to practice the Backfree exercises to alleviate back pain and sciatic pain
- 13 exercises outlined in the Backfree book / video along with detailed illustrations
- Time-saver, user- & non-yogi-friendly
- Available as an eBook (PDF download), Hardcover and Video
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“Darren is the master! After the first Backfree session I came out feeling amazing and I was buzzing.. I have not felt so stable and lengthened after something like this before… I couldn’t wait to get straight back in the surf!”
“After attending a Backfree session with Darren I felt instant relief from continuous nagging pain which I had experienced for a long time after I had to have surgery in that area. I continue with the exercises frequently and am very pleased to say that I no longer experience the nagging pain.
I am a Life and Fellow member of ANTA and Dr. of Acupuncture so it is most rewarding to find someone with Darren’s skills and it is wonderful to have someone close to my Acupuncture & Natural Therapies Clinic that I can safely recommend my patients to go to for his Backfree Therapies.”
“I am a procedural medical specialist and spend long hours on my feet operating. I had many years of quite debilitating lower back pain and sort treatment from various allied health professionals including physiotherapists and various pilates and yoga instructors. I did not find good relief until I met Darren. After a careful one on one assessment with Darren I began his back free program. Within a few weeks my back felt much stronger and within about a month I was pain free. I have remained essentially free of lower back pain for over 5 years now. Occasionally I will get a twinge when I have been lazy and not doing the back free exercises. Once I resume the program I am good again within a matter of days. The Backfree exercises take about 10 minutes a day and keep me pain free. I would recommend any one with back pain issues to see Darren and get an assessment.“
“Whenever I get told something only takes five minutes a day I consider it a lie. That was my immediate thinking with Backfree and the 5 minute remedy… Especially given the state of my lower back and the pain it causes but… Darren’s simple do it anywhere techniques are absolutely astounding and believe me it really is only 5 minutes a day for a completely pain free lower back.”
“Training up to 28-30 hours weekly in endurance sport can take a toll on the body. Since meeting Darren and finding out how Backfree assists in helping my recovery and training to a whole new level I find it a really useful training tool to keep in my schedule to keep me on top of my game.
In 2014 I was in a cycling accident leading to a slip disc fracture in the lower back causing lower back pain and extreme tightness shutting off strength from hips down. Since coming to Backfree and using the exercises and techniques I have really found great flexibility and strength in all areas. Backfree is a very simple approach – you can do it at home or wherever, up to 10min a day or more and it can create massive changes in your performance.”
“Henrike Schaaf and Darren Evans work with a special yoga program (Backfree).
They both are trained yoga teachers and offer Backfree workshops for vaulters which we can very much recommend. Henrike Schaaf who was also European Champion with our junior team in 2013 has the necessary background knowledge to utilize the exercises in a way that contributes to vaulting.
Team Neuss has tested this program and is thrilled. You learn how to approach the exercises in a different way of thinking and thus improve their execution and the body tension. The program includes posture, stretching, breathing and full body tension exercises.
It was exciting to improve vaulting exercises and movements from another perspective.
Our team can only recommend this workshop and hopes everyone who chooses to try the program will enjoy it as much as we did.”
“After literally years of discomfort following two car accidents causing whiplash and preventing me from doing many of the activities that I treasured, including long distance running… A single “Backfree” treatment from Darren and I was back in my running shoes! Sore neck, shoulder and lower back issuer vaporized allowing more flexibility and a level of comfort not felt in years!
Thank you Darren.”
“After many years of constant pain, a result of motor vehicle accidents, I was referred to Darren of Backfree. I had a 1 hour session with Darren who worked with me intently and was amazed by the results I gained during and after that session. I gained more flexibility, felt less fearful of movement, I had immense pain relief and gained more clarity as the result of pain reduction. I was so impressed, I’m currently working with Darren’s program.
During my session I found Darren to be very knowledgeable in functional movement of the body and imbalanced caused by injury and trauma. His approach and manor were very professional, kind and caring. I would highly recommend a session with Darren for anyone looking for a solution to back pain management and prevention.”
“Darren is s truly inspiring teacher. I joined his Backfree workshop after a recommendation from a friend from yoga class. It’s been the best therapy decision I’ve made for my body in a long time. I’ve struggled for a while with back pain and stiffness and more recently with sciatica issues. After the class I could touch my toes for the first time since I can remember and was absolutely pain free. It was also a totally new type of full body workout for me but yet somehow still felt familiar and natural to my body. Certain muscles, fibers and nerves in my body were waking up that had been asleep a very long time. Darren even identified old injuries I had completely forgotten about and had been suppressing deep. The chance to work on these was amazing and the result, even after one class, was impressive.
I’ve since bought the detailed ebook and also the video demonstration, which is excellent at showing the alignments. I suggest getting both as they complement each other nicely.
I very highly recommend Backfree if you’re feeling stuck about your body and it’s seeming stubbornness. Thanks Darren and Henrike!”
“I came to see Darren for lower back pain that I got through overdoing some exercises. I was told by a physio that I had a bulged disc and would require weekly treatments and at least 6 months recovery time.
I do weekly yoga practice with Darren and he suggested that I try out his Backfree system as he believed that I didn’t have a bulged disc and that he’d be able to cure me of my pain.
After the one session with him I felt a huge difference and within weeks of doing the program 1-2 times a week my back pain was totally gone. His methods of treating the body and his inherent knowledge of how the body functions were benefits in my recovery.
If I had stayed with the physio, no doubt I would still be in pain and would have believed that I had a bulged disc. I’m so glad that I did the Backfree system with Darren and wouldn’t hesitate recommending him to anyone with backpain who has tried other methods and thought that there was no cure to pain and discomfort.”
”I recently used Backfree and 100 % recommend their services. I only just managed to walk into my appointment. I felt semi paralysed and could hardly move. I completed my session and I felt like I could jog out of the door, unbelievable results and left with a stretch routine and guidelines to follow… I feel great… thanks mate.”
”Backfree was my saving grace. After I hit the deck on a job after experiencing chronic back pain where I could barely stand up, I contacted Darren at Backfree for a session. Within the first 30mins of this session I could feel my muscles starting to loosen up and the tension I didn’t know I was holding onto in my body started to dissipate. After the session I couldn’t believe what I felt – pain free. No words can describe the positive difference these sessions have made to my body but I think the big smile on my face says it all. Thanks mate!”
Derek Carpenter – Rugby Player
I had a visit from New Zealand footballer “Derek Carpenter” who was supporting an injury in his right calf muscle. I could see that the injury derived from an existing injury in the opposite leg in particular the knee.
Derek seemed to spring off the right leg during his game which applied pressure to the calf muscle causing agitation. In doing this he was subconsciously supporting the injury in the opposed leg. Derek advised me he was also experiencing sciatic pain.
After assessing his body I implemented the series of Backfree exercises to relieve the pressure on both effected areas. I implemented further exercises to address the existing injury in the knee on the opposite leg to relieve tension on the patella (knee).
After going through the series of Backfree exercises Derek attained instant relief in the patella (knee) and as a result of the Backfree exercises trigered sensitivity in both legs creating an even foundation for him to work from and also relieving sciatic pain. Derek found the Backfree exercises thoroughly beneficial.
Discovering where an existing injury derives from and addressing that area of the body allows the hips and spine to release tension freeing up the body to become pain free. Backfree fast tracks this process.
The benefits of the Backfree exercises is not only physical but also mental as it brings awareness to aspects of the body not once thought of causing the issue of underlying pain.