
30 08, 2022

Backfree Course Term 4, 2022

2022-08-30T22:26:59+00:00August 30th, 2022|

Our courses commence Term 4, 2022 Please make sure you book in time and contact us if you have any questions :) For more info on yoga and fitness please visit - 5-week BACKFREE course Starting October 3rd 10-week YOGA course Starting October 4th 10-Week Fitness course Starting October 6th [...]

27 09, 2020

6 Week Backfree Course Term 4 (1), 2020

2020-09-27T22:07:54+00:00September 27th, 2020|

Backfree is a therapeutic approach to balance and recalibrate the body that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials*). The courses are designed to introduce you to the Backfree program while focussing on your back issues and / or referred pain. Wednesday nights: 6.30pm - 7.30pm October [...]

18 08, 2020

6 Week Backfree Courses Term 3 (2), 2020

2020-09-27T22:07:23+00:00August 18th, 2020|

Backfree is a therapeutic approach to balance and recalibrate the body that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials*). The courses are designed to introduce you to the Backfree program while focussing on your back issues and / or referred pain. Wednesday nights: 6.30pm - 7.30pm September [...]

7 07, 2020

6 Week Backfree Course Term 3 (1), 2020

2020-09-27T22:07:36+00:00July 7th, 2020|

Based on many years of experience Darren has designed the Backfree program that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials). The Backfree Course is designed to introduce you to the Backfree program while focussing on back issues and referred pain. A therapeutic approach of yoga to balance [...]


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